Friday 17 December 2010

We had to create a range of sounds using different objects, for example some of the things we tried were, an electric whisk on different objects such as metal bowls and trays to create the sound of a machine gun, but in the end the best result came from using it on a full packet of rice.

some more examples are...

for walking we just used hitting fists on a metal tray and on carpet for the different surfaces in the game.
for the lift we recorded the sound of a fan lid sliding against the table, mixed in with the actual sound of a lift.

One of the problems I had was that I was expecting to be doing the sound for another game “devil may cry 4” and so had been researching how I could go about creating sounds specific to that trailer, but in our group we decided to go with “dead space 2”. Not only did I have this set back, but the college was closed for a few days due to snow. Which meant I was not able to spend as much time as I would have liked in the sound rooms producing the assets. I also had an issue with getting the sound levels right, a lot of the tracks decibels were too high, this meant that some sound clipping was occurring and I was loosing quality. I had to go through and lower each of the wave peaks that were too high, because I did not want to loose overall volume and wanted to keep all the tracks fairly proportionate.

For this unit we had to use adobe sound booth, we had to create all the sound assets we needed, add them to the tracks and sync them up with the video. I also had to ajust all the sound levels to prevent distrotion. various effects helped me to create the sounds I was looking for, for example pitch and timing shifts, compressions, distrotions and equalisiations.