Thursday 25 November 2010

Sound unit

the first task was to analyze a game trailer and fill out a form about what the sounds are and what there purposes are, I chose world of warcraft cataclym.

I have chosen to do world of warcraft as my game for the sound unit, below are some examples of different sound types in the game

world of warcraft sounds:

acousmatic sound: bosses laughing in the background, you can't see where they are but you want to go and find out

Interactive diegetic sound: using spells

Illusionary and spatial functions: the music creates a sense of illusion and

communication of emotional meaning: music in different places portray the mood

Blizzard (the producers of world of warcraft) have there own orchestra which means they can
create fantastic music for each area in the game

Sound team

Sound Director-overall control
Sound designer-creates the sound assets
Composer-produces the music
Audio programmers-intergrate audio assets in game

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