Tuesday 21 September 2010

Project planner

I have produced a project planner for this unit with shows each task and whats needs to be done, I will update this as I go and it will help me to keep myself on track and meet deadlines for the unit and I will make more for each of the following units in the year.

Lan party diagram

This is my Lan party diagram showing how to set up a connection with xbox 360's.

To connect a LAN part you must each have one games console in this case an xbox360 and a TV or pc monitor, each monitor needs to connect to it's xbox360 with a DVI or VGA cable, and the monitor and xbox360 must be plugged into the mains to recive power. Then each xbxox has to be plugged into the router, the router has to be plugged into the modem and the modem into the ethernet port.

The finished poster

This is my finished 80's LAN gaming poster I based it on the game midi maze becuase it was one of the only multplayer games of the decade, it was a first pwerson shooter, I couldent find all the images I needed so I made some of the graphics using 3dsmax 2011. I tried to make the font the same as the game font to keep the same style.

Monday 20 September 2010

Poster to advertise LAN party

We were asked to produce a poster that would advertise a LAN party in our given decade, becuase I had the 80's I didn't have much choice when it came to multiplayer games, and so I chose Midi maze.

There were not many images of this game, and the ones I could find were poor quality so I decided to make a quick image using 3dsmax 2011.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Unit one (computer games platforms and technologies)

The first unit in the second year is called computer games platforms and technologies, it is about how computer games and platforms have developed over the last few decades, in one of our first tasks we have been split into groups and each group has been allocated a decade, our group has the 80's and so I have been given the task of researching how specifically the graphics have developed, we will bring all our research together to create a 3 min powerpoint slide and also a 1000 word eassy.